<byGloria Studio>
Now Booking Sep-Nov-Dec 2024
Now Booking Sep-Nov-Dec 2024
Now Booking Sep-Nov-Dec 2024
Now Booking Sep-Nov-Dec 2024
Now Booking Sep-Nov-Dec 2024
Now Booking Sep-Nov-Dec 2024
Now Booking Sep-Nov-Dec 2024
Now Booking Sep-Nov-Dec 2024
Code Development
Proposal Design
Webflow Development

Copy Pro

Copy Pro is a white label project, to protect the client's privacy the type, photos, colour, copy and names have been changed. This project is a proposal design and code development for an online service provider in the copywriting industry. Please note that the real development was made using code and Dubsado, however the live preview has been developed in Webflow.

Copy Pro is a white label project, to protect the client's privacy the type, photos, colour, copy and names have been changed. This project is a proposal design and code development for an online service provider in the copywriting industry. Please note that the real development was made using code and Dubsado, however the live preview has been developed in Webflow.
Proposal Design
Code Development

A Nice Wedding

A Nice Wedding is a white label project, to protect the client's privacy the type, photos, colour, copy and names have been changed. This project is a proposal design and code development for a service provider in the wedding industry.

A Nice Wedding is a white label project, to protect the client's privacy the type, photos, colour, copy and names have been changed.
This project is a proposal design and code development for a service provider in the wedding industry.